Friday, 30 January 2009

St John of Kanty

Every year we attend a Summer School of Evangelisation run by the Disciples of Jesus, and every year one of the 'team', put much work into preparing saints names on little pieces of paper, with descriptions and places them in a container for people to take one each for the year. Like a lucky dip- but with a difference, God has his hand which one we receive.

I have had some interesting saints over the years, and have wondered- why that one?, especially when I hear some people have some of my favoured saints already.

Anyway this year I placed my hand in the container and was guided to Saint John of Kanty.

In short ' he did not only read and study much but he discussed every question with the Lord- on his knees- for he strove to look at life's issues from God;s perspective'.

I have been asked to pray for scholars and university students.

I had a little God moment when I opened the paper up, because I am going back to study this year to do a Course in our Faith.

I am really looking forward to it, and this Saint has just confirmed it for me.

So this year I will ask Saint John of Kanty to intercede for my prayers.

Dermot has his own, and Brid was drawn to Sister Faustina.

Our Family Patron Saint is St John of God- we decided to keep the same one as last year.

So we feel very blessed to have a variety of Saints interceding for us in our Prayers.

A real communion of Saints.

Through the years of doing this I have learnt so much about so many different Saints and it isn't until time goes by, I realise why each of us was given that particular one. I no longer look at others and go "I wanted that one", but delight and rejoice in the Saint given to me.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

We are sorta back

Yesterday we started preparing ourselves for the year.
Colouring Book Covers, Covering books. Deciding what we will use.
Today we have been working on a our new look Timeline.
It has been several months in the process of looking, discovering and putting on to paper what I think will work for us. Then giving Brid an outline and letting make several decisions about how it will look. We will after- all be using it for years.
Today is really a joint effort. I do not expect a 10-11 year old to know what is the grand plan in my mind, so we are doing little by little.
Yesterday I needed to buy a guillotine to help Louise make her 21st birthday invites. So we now have acquired a guillotine- and boy am I impressed. It cuts a straighter line than me, and so much quicker. I now have the paper I wanted to use all stuck in the book, rather than still measuring, cutting and getting hot and bothered.

So Brid is happily creating. Now the boring bits are out of the way, she can begin decorating.
The part she always likes the best.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009


We have been on a week long retreat with 90 or so other wonderful Catholic families/ young people. Many old friends, some friends we hadn't met before. Recipe for lots of interaction. Awesome. Lots of Lectures, Seminars, Daily Mass, Rosary, Praise & Worship, Evening Adoration and although very hot, too much fun, and great food. Pretty full on days, with early mornings, but very very late nights.
As I have said before I am Charismatic by nature, so this was an excellent week for me. As a family we have returned to the same place 4 years in a row to experience all God has to give to us.
We were sent out last Sunday to be commissioned in our Mission.
But........ now the question is posed, what is our Mission, where is our Mission, What does God what us to do.
You know to me, it is a given, Dermot is my Mission, and I am Dermots, and the family is our misssion, but together....
We came away exhilarated, and an overwhelming sense of what do you what from us all.
We are / or have we already come to that conclusion.

I suppose, God will reveal it to us piece by piece, just as we need to know, but I sort of get a strong sense of knowing what it is anyway. But all in God's time, his plans will be revealed.

Until then we stand in excited anticipation. And as we keep our eyes on Our Lord, we are giving him ALL the Glory.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Glory Box

When I was a teen my grandmother and Mum, set me up with a Glory Box. Every birthday and Christmas something would appear for my 'box'. I in turn added to it.
By the time I was married, I had towels, sheets, dooners, pillows, crockery, glassware, and much more. It was a wonderful starting point.
It seems that it is a tradition that has not been kept up, maybe by our need everything now society.
So I have started setting my own daughters up in the same way, but when I was talking to them about it, they just looked. 'what are you talking about'.

Now every birthday, my Mum and I buy one gift that is a 'glory box' gift.
I tend to by serving dishes, cutlery, dinner set, cooking ware. I will make the girls some items as well throughout this year.

I had some beautiful pieces, some I used as I was living away from home in Sydney and lots I kept especially for when I was married.

Does anyone else have a tradition like this.

Monday, 5 January 2009

What our Saints say on Modesty.

I was watching Pure Life last night, and Jason quoted a several Saints on Purity:-
It gave me an idea to quote some on Modesty.

"Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity."-St. Jerome.

"Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." - Our Lady of Fatima, in 1920.