Monday 8 August 2011

Feast of St Mary of the Cross

Our first Australian Saint, We celebrate her Feast Day today.
Mary overcame many obstacles to follow her dream, but she never lost hope. Mary’s motto was ‘never see a need without trying to do something about it.’ Her life reveals to us a compassionate God, a God of love. Her actions acknowledged the human dignity of each person. Her life speaks to Australians, in a unique way, of the message of God’s love for all, especially for the ‘underdog’ and the ‘battler.’ She embodies all that is best in our Australian nation and its people

Saints are the heroes of the Church. Mary MacKillop may not have considered herself a saint but those around her saw her heroic qualities and began to see her as a saintly person.


Dove's Rest said...

We are doing The Mary MacKillop unit from Homeschooling Downunder this week, but are still to start it. I have a hubby at home with a bad back so I am still to get to it.

Leanne said...

renelle, i was hoping brid would do it again this week, but she isn't too keen. Hope you enjoy it. I have some gorgeous little books about her if you want to borrow them. Very well put together. God Bless leanne