Well I don't know about everyone else, but we never have the same week, or day two days in a row.
Apart from trying to focus and make posters and prayer spaces for the month of November, we have focused on Maths and Grammar this week. We are at a very exciting time with Maths- I loved fractions and manipulating numbers, and I have tried to enthuse Brid of the same. So far, so good.
Brid had a writing assignment last week, and this week she was asked to publish it. brid likes to correct as she goes, unlike me, who corrects at the end. I just need to hold my tongue.
All was going well, then a dear daughter asked, "Can I come and stay for a few days". Of course we said 'yes' and began to prepare her room, and realised Brid would be distracted with her big sis. here, but that family hey!
There was so much that they could do together, so it fired Brid along to complete her assigned work earlier than later
Brid has finished her bookwork early today, so they are sitting watching a movie.
Yesterday while we were in town, we dropped Brid at her piano lesson, and picked up her copy of 'Halts Peril'- the new Rangers Apprentice book. She has been waiting like
Gaes' children for this, 'its seems likes ages'. Thanks
Erin, for suggesting these books. It has broadened her reading base.
We gave it to her at dinner, Which my dear daughter and I cooked together. We always cook together, when she is at home, and I love how we just flow together.
We always give our children there present or surprise at dinner, as we are usually all together. it is a family tradition. It is also the time we would ask a child to present there project or composition to the family.
So thats how our week has been, Brid and I are travelling nicely along the 'scenic route', of Rome.
we have dressed up in Togas, sampled roman food, looked at there family life, and reckon, its nice to visit, but lets just visit. She knew a lot more than I had expected, just from reading library books and other living books.