Tuesday, 23 November 2010

What Fun- Dads and there daughters

Yesterday Brid was doing the first lesson on Geography through Art- we got it as an E book. One of the things she needed to do as part of map work was create a treasure map.
So Yesterday afternoon she spent time rhyming and planning each place in the yard that he would visit. At each place he was asked to do a specific task, like collecting snails, star jumps, skimming the pool, collecting various items he leaves around the yard. It was a real scream to observe. I was hard pressed to stop myself laughing.
She had it planned to a tee.
At the end of it Brid presented him with The Best Daddy award. 

I must admit I liked her sense of humour and Daddy played along beautifully.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day.  
We remember our fallen brothers and sisters today in all the wars, particular WWI.
We used this resource to help give us more understanding of this day. We found activities print outs and useful information here.

God Bless our Men and Women who have died in all wars. Bless our soldiers in battle today.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

wordless wednesday

Outside St Marys 17th October.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

American Indians -part 3

The last 3 weeks Brid has been researching and reading about American Indians. The last part of her project was to complete a report. Here is the link to my post on the lesson plan. Brid not only did this project solo, but typed every word and made the typed word fit and match the shape of the image. 
Brid has learnt about Blessed Kateri Tekawitha and St Isaac, and we have added them both to our All Saints Poster.

adding finishing touches

work ready to be pasted

now lets sort them

Sticking the lapbook together

The proud girl and her work

Showing off her hard work.

All Souls day

Last evening Brid prepared and read the Litany of Saints, and she added some of our special names as well. That was a special time.
This morning, we joined our parish community at Mass. In preparation for this month, we have been writing down all our deceased family & friends on a sheet of paper, to take to Mass with us..  I sometimes have memory failure of those I would like to pray for, but today we were organised. It was nice to view this list before and at appropriate times to prompt our prayers.
Apart from these people dear to us, on our list, we will be especially praying for people in need this month. aussiecoffeeshop and I must have been on the same wave length when we were preparing our posts.
Our parish priest again put together a homily, that spoke to me. At one point, he spoke of the 'Book of the Dead', he has in the parish office and how he needs to write final details of a persons live. He spoke of how he used to dread it, now he calls it his book of hope, as he scans the pages of the people in the book, and remembers there life and the families.
God Bless you all today.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Love Our Lady and make her loved...

In my Mary Vitamin meditation today I read these words and they resonanted with me.
"Love moves people to speak of the one they love. We know that the Church's greatest Saints, orators and writers have spoken, written, and sung Our Lady's praises with tireless zeal and love.  But there has not been a Saint and there will never be any true devotee of Mary who does not feel a need to share his love of Our Lady with others. In big ways or small, the true devotee does all that he can to accomplish this in accord with the inspirations and talents he has received."
So Today, I will pray for the opportunity to share my love of Our Lady with others, I will be particularly careful to cultivate joyful and pleasant demeanor.
"In order to move souls to love Mary, St. Maximilian ventured to make great, self-effacing personal sacrifices. … But he went ahead undaunted, carrying on with hard work and privation. He never stopped. His love for the Immaculate would not let him rest from his feverish activity."

It was Our Lady that has drawn me ever closer to Our Lord and I will always honour her for that. It was a Statue of Our Lady I was given as a gift long before we had a family Bible, Long before an image of Jesus. It was the Rosary I first heard before I could recite The Lords prayer, It was Our lady who lend me to her Son, and I will do my best to bring honour to her at all times.
A few months ago, a sweet women send me a large Blessed Miraculous Medal, and I love wearing it.  I feel Our Lady is constantly surrouding me.
Just recently while looking at how to incorporate the Family Saints into our daily routine more effectively, I was thinking, we could do the same with Marion feasts. So we have two photo frames, one has an insert of Red (Saints),and the other an insert of Blue( Marion).

Our Lady and the Saints pray for us.

All Saints Day- happy feast day

Today at Mass our Priest started his homily talking about the celebrities on the front of the magaazines and how shallow the life is.. people make them there heroes.. he ended his homily by saying the lives of the Saints are so rich.. we should be aspiring to be like these Holy people, because they are in Christ...
Praise God for his words.

Late last week we made a family poster of all the Saints who intercede for us in various ways.
We added them to the Litany of Saints we will say later today.
they include St Mary Magdalene, St Elizabeth of Hunguary, St Nicholas, St Therese of Liseux, St Teresa of Avila and St Paul. These are our Saints we chose for our Confirmation, and then there are Saints dear to our hearts.
There are others we ask to intercede for us for our various childrens needs.
We asked St Joseph to help find us a home last year and he did.
We will honour each of these Saints on there feast days throughout the year. I hope this image is clear enough for you to see and recognise our family Saints